The 1st day we reached there...hihi...only few of urs felt dizzy and wanna sleep in the hotel...after our sweet nap, we decided to go for a walk...and oso took some pics! The next morning,we woke up early and wished to see the view of sunrise...however, the cloud had covered it...
And we had seen some creatures...=) Then we went to The Underwater wasn't seems like the one i imagined... This parrot could only laugh(hahaha!!) and say Halor...=P
We hab eat a free dinner the 1st night...coz most of them went out to eat...and we(John, Sze Hui, Ding Yaw,Ching & I) had our dinner much to eat...we enjoyed them very much...hihi...'s really an special experience for me that on the day we finished our unified exam then we went to Penang at the same's really very interesting...
When we reach Penang, it was olredi 12 midnight...we all felt very hungry and that we have our supper b4 reach the hotel...Wow! It's really delicious...some taste very spicy... Next day, we had to wake up so early to go to Langkawi by ferry...Ohh! Feeling so uncomfortable...I scared i would feel dizzy then vomit...haha...but actually it is safe and ok...the view is really wide and nice=)