Three of us slept in a room at Olympics Hotel(the teksi driver dunno where is it)...It was a great experience for me...It was the 1st time too...both of them took good care of me...hahaz...i'm like their small sister...Thanks ya!!!Love too...
We are at Kuching airport....
-Weiyu, Miko, Lilian-Do, Re, Mi
Take off our mask -.-
That guy wanna take with us...hahaz...
We are at Chee Chiong Kai...
That is my new pink umbrella...=P
It's already night...but we were still there...
And that, we lost...hahaz..-.-" we walked and walked but can't find the way we came to here...and Mr See oso can't find..and we brought a useless map to begin our discover..haiz...of course we can't find the way...finally we called a teksi...
2nd day^^
We are all tired this day...coz we have a marathon competition...We have Physics and Biology in the morning, Mathematics and Chem in the afternoon...Sweat*.*
We had our competition at KL Kun Cheng...
Here is the ceramics don by their students...Nice=)
Before test....
After test....
At night, we went to 5 stars hotel---Hotel Istana...
Before going, we took a pics 1st...
Shy shy Miko....
Sin Fan's Biology teachersss...Our teacher oso ohh!!!
The dinner finally began^^
Yo!!Weiyu got her prize!!!
Miko too...hihi....
With Menara Kuala Lumpur
There is one unknown...He is our senior...older that Mr See but seems younger than him...hahaz... He brought us to LCCT...happy!!^^ save money...Thanks, our senior...
& Goodbye KL!!see u this year end....
oh my gosh... never see teacher so happy and active and erm... funny~ wakakaka~
ReplyDeletehaha...see ur comment now..sry..
ReplyDeleteYa! he was very happy coz Weiyu and Miko got prizes!!